Company Product Name Price per
2,000 Calories*
Price/Calorie Difference Total Calories Food Varieties
My Patriot SupplyDan Bongino Emergency Preparedness Bundle (food, water filtration, heirloom seeds)$8.53180,52022
Ready StoreEasyPrep 3-Month Emergency Food Supply$10.28+21%187,93213
4Patriots3-Month Survival Food Kit$10.31+21%135,84024
ReadyWise720 Servings of Ready Wise Emergency Survival Food Storage $20.17+136%158,64017
Wise Company720 Servings of Wise Emergency Survival Food Storage $21.63+154%158,10017
Mountain House3-Month Emergency Food Supply$23.61+177%155,88010

The information displayed in the chart above is valid as of February 26, 2025 according to each company's website. TEST